When working on my company’s intranet site, we realized that we wanted to be able to quickly sort through all the posts by a particular author and didn’t necessarily want to switch between the front-end and wp-admin.
It took me a while to be able to find the hook for this, because it’s name doesn’t lend itself to be found easily: restrict_manage_posts
I finally found this post by Misha Rudrastyh: https://rudrastyh.com/wordpress/filter-posts-by-author.html
My Google searches kept returning code samples for custom taxonomies and custom post types and this was all I needed.
/** * This section makes posts in the admin filterable by the author. */ add_action('restrict_manage_posts', 'rose_filter_by_author'); function rose_filter_by_author() { $params = array( 'name' => 'author', 'show_option_all' => 'All Authors' ); if ( isset($_GET['user']) ) { $params['selected'] = $_GET['user']; } wp_dropdown_users( $params ); }