One time, I was working in a WordPress site that had a category that contained seemingly random posts. The name was “New Members” and it wasn’t really descriptive of what was actually in it. I went to edit the category and realized I couldn’t delete it. Then, one day months […]
Category: WordPress
Any topic related to WordPress that could potentially be helpful to others. Specific applications for different WordPress features.
manage_edit-post_columns vs manage_post_posts_columns
What is the difference between manage_edit-post_columns and manage_post_posts_columns? In WP 3.1, manage_edit-{$post_type}_columns has been supplanted by manage_{$post_type}_posts_columns. – manage_edit-post_type_columns in WordPress Codex Helpful Resources
Testing Plugin/Theme Updates – What to Look For
This post deals with the human aspect of testing plugin/theme updates on a WordPress site. For the technical side of testing, please read Testing Updates & New Features for Your Clients. When testing updates to WordPress, plugins, or themes, be sure to ask yourself the following questions: Does the site look […]
Good .gitignore for Local WordPress Install
Using .gitignore to Combine Local WordPress Installation and Version Control One of the things I didn’t realize when I was getting Bitbucket set up (for the first time) was that it makes a lot of sense to combine your version control files and your local install files. Otherwise, you’re more […]
I Know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript… Why Use WordPress?
A lot of developers who aren’t in the WordPress space ask me why they should use WordPress. Most WP developers would probably agree with me that two of the biggest reasons are: To provide clients/companies with a Content Management System that is easy to use and doesn’t require experience in […]
Making Mistakes in .htaccess – WordPress at a Subdirectory
There are essentially 2 ways to set up your WordPress installation at a subdirectory using .htaccess. Those methods are detailed in the Giving WordPress Its Own Directory page in the WordPress Codex. However, I’ve encountered two different errors because I made a stupid mistake which I’ll detail below. Basically, all […]
How to Create an Unlisted Tag in WordPress
At my job, I work a on a membership-based site where staff has access to the WordPress admin, but users of the site only have access to the front end of the site. I have two shortcode functions I wrote for a staff-facing “Changelog” page of recent edits and a […]