Hex values aren’t just for colors! I recently had to generate a list of values from 00-ff and came up with this little snippet. Here’s how to increment hex values in PHP: For Reference: Hex Values Use (line 8) 0-f $x < 16 00-ff $x < 256 000-fff $x < […]
Tag: Snippet Sunday
Faux-Cropping Circles with CSS Using background-image
As promised, here is another approach to “cropping” images in CSS circles. It looks almost identical to the other fiddle, but is done a different way. This method is better than the one I described in my previous Snippet Sunday in that the images are actually centered (without the use […]
Faux-Cropping Circles with CSS
Here’s a basic jsfiddle I made to illustrate how to crop an image with a CSS circle. Gone are the days of editing photos for this effect (thank goodness). I’m using negative margins to faux-center the images. (Check back next week to see another method of cropping that doesn’t use […]
Cool SCSS Animation
I was browsing CodePen and found this pen by Jamie Caballero. What comes as a surprise to me is that it isn’t using any JavaScript. The animations are all done in SCSS, which is a CSS preprocessor. It is also using Haml, which is a markup language that stands for […]
CSS for Transparent Inside Border
Here’s a cool jsfiddle by Chris Coyier I came across one day. It’s kind of like a “floating” border effect with transparency. Transparent Inside Border Pseudo Element
setInterval and clearInterval in JavaScript
Recently I was working on an image slider that I had auto-rotating by using setInterval and clearInterval. The problem I came across was that when a user clicks to show another slider image, the counter variable wasn’t resetting. For example, if image 3 was showing, and the user clicked image […]