This year I have been focusing a lot more effort on helping others on WordPress Stack Exchange, Codementor, and whatever one-on-one opportunities come my way. Lately I’ve been reflecting on my accomplishments so far this year and wanted to share some of the milestones I’ve reached.
Got Selected as “Best Answer” on a Question With a Bounty *
This was exciting because it was my first “best answer” and it had the added bonus of having a bounty. Looking back, I realize it wasn’t that descriptive of an answer, but I had tested it on localhost and honestly was just hoping to be the first answer.
Question: Flush_rewrite_rules not working when settings updated
Posted at Least One Answer a Month for 5 Months Straight
I didn’t realize how consistent I was with my activity on WPSE, but I just noticed that for 5 consecutive months, I posted at least one answer each month. I actually posted a total of 10 answers within 5 months, which isn’t too shabby!
My Answers
Earned My First Silver Badge
My most recent badge on WPSE is the Constituent badge, for voting in the Community Moderator elections. (Only 272 out of 2,405 eligible voters exercised their right!)
Revised a Question
Revising someone else’s question is a milestone for me simply because it feels so weird to edit what someone is asking. This one was just adding a tag, though.
Had 2 Flags Marked as Helpful
The two questions I flagged were off-topic for the WordPress Development Community.
Up/Down Voted Every Month Except June – a Total of 72 Votes in 2016
Helped Someone With What I Considered a Silly Question
People that ask questions on Stack Exchange sites are totally vulnerable. They are asking for help because they either have exhausted other options, or don’t know where else to look for help.
Everyone knows the feeling of being in over their head with issues they couldn’t predict. When you’re about to downvote a question without giving feedback, remember that the reason you’re on WPSE is to help others with their questions. Comments are the perfect spot to make sure you and the OP are on the same page and you know what they’ve tried.
Sometimes just helping someone in a comment feels better than getting an answer selected as the “best answer,” anyways. At least you know that of all the people that viewed that question, you were the one that actually made an attempt to help them.
* Okay, so this one happened in December of 2015, but I’m still really excited about it. I was planning my 2016 goals in December, so that’s when I started to get more active on WPSE.